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Bishop Perkins Letter
Quarto, two pages, in very good, clean, and legible condition.
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Frances Brinley Fogg letter
quarto, one page, plus stampless address leaf, formerly folded, in very good, clean, and legible condition.
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H. A. Mish letter
folio, one page of a bi-folium, formerly folded, in very good, clean condition.
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J. Britney letter
Quarto, one page, with another related letter on verso, (two pages, total), formerly folded, otherwise in very good, clean, and legible condition.
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Jabez D. Hammond letter
quarto, 2 pages, plus address leaf, two small nicks along foredge, else in very good, legible condition.
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John Gorham Palfrey Letter
Quarto, one page, written neatly in ink, in very good, clean, and legible condition.
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L. H. Coe Letter
quarto, 1 page, plus stamp less address leaf, formerly folded, else in very good, clean, and legible condition.
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Letter from Albert to his wife
octavo, 4 pages, formerly folded, some minor stains and ink blots, but otherwise in very good legible condition.
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Letter from Brazil on Slavery
Quarto, 3 ¼ pages, very closely written, in very good clean and legible condition
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Manuscript Agreement concerning a Plantation in Grenada
folio, 2 ½ pages, formerly folded, in very good, clean and legible condition.
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Abolition Letter
Excellent Letter on Abolitionist Issues in 1838 NYS Election
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The Promised Seed
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