• 22 volumes, small quartos. comprising approximately 7,947 manuscript pp. of diary entries plus approximately 341 manuscript pp. of memoranda, notes, cash accounts and bills payable; dated 1897- 1900, 1903-1905, 1907-1908, 1913, 1917, 1919-1920, 1922-1924, 1926-1931; one day entry per page…
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  • Large archive of 4075 letters, 5235 pages, dated 27 September 1882 to 17 March 1936; with over 3500 pieces of related ephemera.
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  • 1433 letters, 4409 pages, (647 retained mailing envelopes), dated 1845 to 1944.The collection consists of five cartons of material. The collection includes letters of five generations of the McCulloch family written over the course of one hundred years starting with Major Alexander…
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  • 35 letters, 125 pages, several accompanied by original mailing envelopes, some staining, and tears, with loss, else in generally good, legible condition.
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  • The archive consists of the following: 98 letters, 146 pp., dated 18 June 1900 to 30 Oct 1929, with bulk being from 1900-1914; contains mainly incoming business letters to the firm of Milliken & McGuire, with several outgoing retained copies of letters, or…
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  • Group of 46 manuscript and partially printed items (49p.), dated 2 February 1861 to 18 October 1881. The folder that the papers are housed in measures 10" x 13" and has the “cover title” - "1861-81 Lettres de Service et nominations de…
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  • 293 letters, 573 pp, (76 retained mailing envelopes), dated 4 May 1848 to 27 December 1954; bulk of letters date from 1910s to 1950s; with 3 manuscript journals (1904; 1909-1911; and 1943), a newspaper clipping scrapbook, an estate ledger, and a pedigree…
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  • Approximately 310 letters, comprising 1,172 pages, dated 1837-1972, with the bulk (145 letters, 582 pages) written in the 1890s. The letters are mostly manuscript, some are typed, most of the letters are without envelopes, there are several incomplete letters, and 67 undated…
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  • 96 letters, 109 pages, plus 766 ephemeral items, all dated from 1807 to 1911. The letters are dated from 19 March 1859 to 1 September 1879. The ephemeral materials are dated from 1807 to 1911, with the bulk of the ephemera dating…
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  • 75 letters, 130 manuscript pages, (23 retained mailing envelopes), plus 29 pieces of paper ephemera and 5 photographs. The correspondence is dated from 3 April 1904 to 1 July 2013, however of the 75 letters only two are dated outside of the…
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