Stilwell, Silas M.
Autograph Letter Signed, New York, December 15, 1842, to John B. Macy, Portsmouth, Ohio

quarto, two pages of a four page bi-folium, folded, postal markings on integral address leaf, else a very good copy.

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      Stilwell writes Macy, with whom he seems to be involved in business, a fevered enjoinder to: "make no more drafts upon any gentleman in this city or elsewhere, in your capacity as agent of the company ...," before turning his attention to politics and the topic of slavery, the two subjects being inextricably linked at the time:  

       " ... Gen. Cass has made quite a stir among the people here, and has been received by all parties in the most flattering manner. Indeed his manners are so winning, and his intellect so clear & superior, that I do not doubt he is destined to be the most available candidate for the next presidency, that the Democratic party could present. You cannot well conceive the influence his presence here has won for him. - If Ohio should show a bold front for Cass, the game will be easily won.

              I think the first question to be settled is, - shall the candidate be from the slave or free States. If from the first then Calhoun & the President will struggle for the mastery - if from the last then Cass & Van Buren.

               In either event your choice & mine must be apparent. - Many here of Van Burens friends try hard to make us believe that he is a popular candidate in New York - This is untrue as you well know - He is not popular here or elsewhere, except with professed politicians - men who devote their talents & time to intrigue for the purpose of controlling the opinions of the people, & placing a minority man in office. - When the truth is well understood, Mr. Van Buren cannot continue a candidate with a prospect of success, and if proper attention is paid to the election of members to a convention, with a view to the success of a Democratic Candidate - Van Buren will not be thought of. - You and me of course place our first choice on Capt Tyler ..."