57 letters, 87 pages, plus 10 manuscript receipts and promissory notes, two printed circulars, in generally very good, clean and legible condition, several letters with splits along folds, otherwise very good. more >
folio, three pages, plus integral address, leaf, formerly folded, postal markings, and some dust soiling to address leaf, else in very good, clean, legible condition. more >
Folio, 44 manuscript pages, bound in later nineteenth century cloth, entries dated 18 November 1849 to 2 June 1850 (although not dated, the entries appear to continue till 15 June 1850); boards worn, damp-stained, some chipping to edges of text, minor spotting… more >
Quarto, three pages, plus stamp less address leaf.
Significant letter with several faults: Lacking a first page or pages written at an earlier date than the remaining text. Band of staining across all 3 pages some… more >