• Quarto, one page, plus stamp less address leaf, formerly folded, otherwise in very good, clean, and legible condition. Docketed on verso by Sutherland: “Alfred Cowles Chicago Ill. Aug. 13th 1852 relative to my speech against the Homestead bill”
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  • 292 letters, 296 manuscript and typed pages, (no retained mailing envelopes), dated 8 November 1892 to 31 August 1912; plus 23 pieces of related paper ephemera mostly receipts (19) and advertisement proofs (3).
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  • 4 letters, quarto, 7 pages, written on the letterhead of the Chicago Theological Seminary, of which Hammond was then treasurer, in very good, clean and legible condition.
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  • 67 letters, 225 manuscript pages, dated 3 May 1885 to 6 September 1923; the bulk of the letters date from 1885 to 1892; 2 of the letters are not dated; 50 of 68 letters were written between 1889-1890.
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  • Four volumes, 436 pp., dated 20 August 1881 to 7 January 1927, as follows: 1. Tonica Musical Association, Tonica, LaSalle County, Illinois; octavo, 21 pp., composition book, bound in wrappers, worn at edges, paper somewhat tanned, entries written in ink, in a legible hand;…
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  • Community Book Shop, Chicago. July 31, 1950. Addressed to “Faculty Member” of the University of Chicago. Edgeworn. Warning that “a gang of hoodlums” were terrorizing Blacks and Jews on East 55th Street in the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago:
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  • 25 letters, 40 pages, dated from September 26, 1844 to April 3, 1858, written, in ink, in a legible hand. One letter is from 1844, the rest are dated between1852-1858. Fifteen of the twenty-five letters were written to Doughty by his brother-in-law…
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