• 2- column news report on the front page of the New York Observer, May 19, 1870. Complete issue of the newspaper, 18 x 25 inches, 8 pages, folded in quarters, light toning to paper, slight loss at fold intersections, else good
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  • quarto, 3 pages, plus stamp-less address leaf, short tear into second leaf, otherwise in very good, clean and legible condition.
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  • Boston: Printed by Crocker & Brewster, 1820, octavo, 28 pages, disbound, retains original front plain paper wrap, ex-library, small duplicate stamp on title page, some light foxing, else good. The inside of the front wrapper contains an advertisement of books sold by…
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  • quarto, two pages, including stamp-less address leaf, small hole due to clumsy opening, otherwise in very good, clean and legible condition.
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  • 25 letters, 40 pages, dated from September 26, 1844 to April 3, 1858, written, in ink, in a legible hand. One letter is from 1844, the rest are dated between1852-1858. Fifteen of the twenty-five letters were written to Doughty by his brother-in-law…
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  • Four volumes, small quarto, 756 pages plus blanks, and several pages of accounts, bound in either original ¼ leather and marbled boards, or ¼ leather and cloth, entries written in a neat legible hand in either pencil or ink. 
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  • 96 letters, 109 pages, plus 766 ephemeral items, all dated from 1807 to 1911. The letters are dated from 19 March 1859 to 1 September 1879. The ephemeral materials are dated from 1807 to 1911, with the bulk of the ephemera dating…
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  • Chicago: Jameson and Morse, printers, 1865, octavo, 20-page pamphlet, original printed paper wrappers, a very good, very clean copy. Ante-Fire Imprints 978, OCLC locates five copies, (none in Chicago).
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  • 46 letters, 93 pages, dated 22 April 1838 to 15 Aug 1856. All of the letters are incoming written to William F. Sanborn, master brick mason, living at Lowell, Massachusetts. These folding stamp-less letters, are written in ink and in legible hands.…
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  • quarto, 2 pages, plus stamp less address leaf
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